Odd Peak

Sunscreen for All Seasons: Why Sun Protection is Important

The depleted ozone layer is the number one reason for you to wear sunscreen every time you go out. However, even without getting too scientific, your location could play a role in how much damage the sun can do to you. In Australia, for instance, there is a very high chance of you getting sun damage if you don’t tint your windows and use sun protection. In tropical countries, this is also an issue. Even in other parts of the world, you may already be getting sun damage without you realizing it.

The Problem

Exposure to too much sun may lead to sunburn, which is the most immediate concern for many. Over time and continued prolonged exposure, you’re facing something more serious: skin cancer. Then, between those two, you can also develop signs of sun damage and premature aging in the form of wrinkles and dark spots. In the best-case scenario, your skin ages faster due to excessive sun exposure. In the worst-case scenario, it can literally be life-threatening. Think you should still go out in the sun unprotected?

The Effects of Sun Damage

Diving into sun damage in particular, you may first think that the effects are cosmetic. Wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots are not a concern if you’re not vain. The problem is, these are just the physical manifestations of sun damage. They are not the extent of the issue. Sun damage can literally turn your skin pink and painful as sunburns develop. You may notice a lot of dryness, and over the long run, it damages your skin’s DNA.

The Solution

There are plenty of ways to avoid serious sun damage and reverse mild skin problems. First and foremost, you should add a Korean sunscreen to your skincare routine so that you are protected from harmful UV rays whenever you’re out in the sun. If you’re late to the use of sunscreen and you already have age spots and fine lines, not to worry. There are beauty products with retinoids, beta-carotene, and hydroquinone to help you. If you want to get rid of the problem faster, laser therapy might help remove sun spots, while microdermabrasion is a treatment that removes the outer layer of the skin to reveal the younger skin underneath. You may also try a chemical peel, which removes damaged skin cells.

The Reminder

Sun damage is a serious problem, and it should be prevented more than reversed. As early as now, protect your skin from sun damage that might manifest years down the line. When you’re also using chemical peels and other treatments meant to undo the signs of sun damage, remember to pay attention to your doctor’s advice. Some of these treatments may make you sensitive to sun exposure, which makes it even more crucial that you are protected from the harmful rays. Meanwhile, other treatments may mean dealing with a little bit of pain temporarily to get the results you need.

Undoing sun damage is a complicated process. While you still have a choice, invest in products that protect you against sun damage now.