Even though 2020 is gone for good, sometimes it hunts us. Since there is still a pandemic going on, we could not say that the world is back to normal. Yes, our country may have the lowest cases right now, but that does not mean we are safe without our facemask. For sure, you know that we could not have fun like we used to before. So, what must you do to entertain yourself? Aside from watching TikTok clips, why don’t you try a new hobby? Start learning how to play the piano and buy one for yourself in Singapore.
If you are interested, then do not hesitate to pursue what you want. Go to the nearest piano shop in Singapore and get one that you can play at home. However, before you go, you must know first the difference between an acoustic and digital piano. For sure, knowing this would help you decide which one is a better option for you.
Acoustic Piano vs Digital Piano | Which One Is a Better Option that Should You Buy?
Acoustic Piano
- Key Action
As you place your fingertips in those keys, it would respond to your touch right away. So, if you add a bit of pressure, it would produce a loud, vibrating sound. It comes from its actual mechanical hammers than hits the metal strings.
- Sound Generation
An acoustic piano generates sound through the vibration of its triggered string, along with its wood.
- Resonance
Since an acoustic piano has actual strings, it produces a domino effect once one starts to vibrate.
- Dynamic Range
It is unlimited since each part is physically displayed. As a result, it produces sound in every keypress.
- Sound Variety
An acoustic piano produces only one sound. That is very much true at any piano shop in Singapore.
- Electronic Feature
It has none since it does not have any cord or cables. It means you can play it without electricity.
- Size
It is quite big compared to a digital piano. So, make sure you have enough space if you choose to buy this piano.
- Weight
It is so heavy since it could weigh up to 100 kilograms.
- Maintenance
An acoustic piano requires a tuning from time to time. So, if you choose this one, make sure you know how to tune it yourself.
- Portability
You cannot bring it anywhere else. If you plan to move into a new place, you need to hire professional movers.
- Resale Value
It will get sold right away, even after years have passed. Just make sure it remains in good condition.
- Lifespan
If you take good care of your acoustic piano, it could last up to 50 years. It means your grandchildren will be able to play it.
- Price
As for theprice of this piano in Singapore, it would cost you a few thousand dollars.
Digital Piano
- Key Action
Since this one is a digital piano, what you will hear is a simulated sound. For each key, you would feel it differently. The reason behind it would depend on how the manufacturer moulded it.
- Sound Generation
The sound a digital piano generates comes from a recorded sample. Manufacturers use algorithms to make it produce sound in each key accordingly. Also, it has a speaker that amplifies the sound it makes.
- Resonance
Its programme allows it to ring out a bit longer.
- Dynamic Range
It has a limited range of sounds since it will only produce what is stored inside.
- Sound Variety
Can produce up to thousands of sounds, but the way it rings depends on how the manufacturer moulded it.
- Electronic Feature
Its recording functionality, built-in effects would, and lessons are only available if there is electricity nearby. If you cannot power it, you cannot use it.
- Size
A lot smaller than an acoustic piano. Therefore, you can place one in your bedroom.
- Weight
A lot lighter, too, but still it would need two people to lift it.
- Maintenance
You would not need to tune it, but make sure to check its parts since rodents could damage its cable.
- Portability
It is! Very much that you can bring it anywhere as long as there is electricity.
- Resale Value
It would not be easy to sell it since new models come up each year with an added feature.
- Lifespan
Unfortunately, it does not last long as an acoustic piano. It only lasts seven to ten years.
- Price
It could be either cheap or expensive since it depends on what brand you would buy.
4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Piano
- The Size of Your Space
You have so you would know if it would fit in your place. So, before you find a piano for sale in Singapore, measure the area where you want to place it.
- Know the Noise Level
Of course, since it could annoy your neighbours. More so, if you choose a digital piano that can amplify the sounds it produces.
- How Much Could You Spend
If you have so much money to spare, buy a new one. So, make sure not to settle for a second-hand one even if it is so much affordable.
So, Which One Between Acoustic and Digital Piano Do You Think Is Better?
Whatever you choose depends on your preference. So, think about what you want your piano to sound like and have in your living room? Use your imagination which one suits you best. If you have one in mind, go to the nearest piano shop in Singapore and buy it now.
In any case, you want a well-known brand, buy your piano from Steinway Gallery in Singapore. Drop by now while their piano is on sale!
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