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ENT Health & Children – What Every Parent Should Know

Paediatric ear, nose and throat disorders are the main reason parents bring their children to an ENT clinic. While almost every ENT clinic in Singapore provides paediatric ENT treatment for children, parents need to be aware of the risks associated and how to prevent them. ENT problems can still happen to children, and they are more prevalent in experiencing since their body’s immune system is still developing.

Common ailments associated with ear, nose and throat can range from simple throat infection to flu and allergies. Since children are carefree and love to explore their surroundings, they are prone to getting sick. Parents need to be conscious of their child’s ENT health. They need to be knowledgeable enough to help prevent their child or reduce the risk of getting sick or infected, whether they are at home or playing at school.

You might likely visit an ENT clinic once in a while to accompany your child, but it is way better for parents to have decent knowledge and understanding of paediatric ENT health.

4 Most Common Paediatric ENT Ailments

While it’s common and normal to experience getting sick once in a while, there are plenty of ENT issues that require more attention to the point where you have to contact an ear, nose or sinus specialist in Singapore. After all, children are always on the go, and it’s no surprise for parents if they pick up that their child is sick. Here are some examples of the most common ENT problems among children:

1. Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can feel like a terrible cold. It’s caused by a viral infection in the tonsil that causes inflammation, which creates a painful sensation while swallowing. Sore throat is perhaps among the most common symptoms of tonsillitis. It is accompanied by headaches, coughing, and feeling sick. Most patients affected with tonsillitis have at least a temperature of 38C or above with a general sense of fatigue.

While children can often manage the symptoms of tonsillitis with medicine to counter the symptoms and sprays, parents should consider visiting an ENT clinic for treatment if the problem frequently occurs.

2. Rhinitis

While tonsillitis refers to the inflammation in the tonsil, rhinitis is when the lining of the nose becomes inflamed. Allergic reactions are often the culprit of rhinitis, and these allergies can include: dust mites, mould, pet dander’s, pollen from trees, weeds or grass, flour dust and fumes. Visiting an ENT clinic for a check-up will provide an accurate diagnosis to determine the exact cause and allergic triggers to treat your child’s rhinitis.

Symptoms of rhinitis are often nasal drips, runny nose, dripping mucus, coughing and difficulties with the smell. A physician may provide antihistamines, nose sprays and allergy shots to treat symptoms and counter rhinitis. Your child can prevent rhinitis by avoiding areas with heavy dust, moulds and an environment with a high pollen count.

3. Ear infections

Children are also prone to getting ear infections from time to time. It’s also one of those common reasons why parents often visit their local ENT clinic. Ear infections are caused by bacteria in the outer or middle ear. It can also happen while your child has a cold or sore throat. If your child is complaining about ear pain, itching or blocked ear, it could be a sign of an outer-ear infection. There are also occasional fluid discharges.

However, if the ear infection is causing headache, nausea and fever accompanied by ear pain, it could be a problem with the middle ear. Consider visiting an ENT clinic if it happens for an extended period of time.

Children with weaker immune systems are more prone to getting ear infections. Family history is also a determinant factor where children might likely get ear infections if a parent or sibling also experienced it.

4. Sleep apnea

Children can experience sleep apnea too. While sleep apnea can be common among adults, some youngsters can often stop breathing at night, leaving gaps and pauses while they sleep. Sleep apnea among adults may be caused by age, weight and underlying health conditions; children experience sleep apnea due to the tonsil or adenoid obstructing the airway.

Children with sleep apnea often experience frequent snoring and breathing through their mouths while sleeping. Some children may look tired or experience drowsiness during the daytime and behaviour problems. They may also find it harder to focus on school. If you suspect your child has sleep apnea, consider visiting an ENT clinic for a checkup and treatment.

How Parents Can Be ENT Smart For Their Child’s ENT Health


While visiting a sinus specialist or an ENT doctor can be beneficial in treating common ENT health problems, knowing what to do can help keep your child healthy and problem-free. It’s a crucial responsibility for parents to help them have a healthier lifestyle. Here’s how you can be ENT smart for your child’s ENT health:

Inform yourself

Informing yourself is the best preparation for your child when visiting an ENT clinic, dealing with and preventing ENT problems. Inform yourself as much as you can. If your child needs consultation or diagnosis, you can do quick research to know what you can expect. You can also consider asking questions about ENT specialists to know more about a particular subject matter.

Teach them to practice good hygiene habits

Practising good hygiene keeps you away from bacterial infections. Teach your child to wash their hands regularly with soap and water. Handwashing might be a simple yet effective solution to keep your child from getting sick!

Educate and serve them a well-balanced, healthy diet

A healthy diet provides your body with enough vitamins to strengthen your immune system and a solution for nutritional gaps. Almost every ENT doctor and sinus specialist will advise parents to teach and serve their child with healthier foods to avoid ENT problems.

If you are looking for an ENT doctor in Mount Elizabeth, visit ENT Surgeons for a highly trained and proficient ENT specialist. Book an appointment now!