When you visit flooring company 689 Pty Ltd, there is a hybrid category with two subcategories WPC and SPC. Both are categorized under the Hybrid category but are different. In this post, let’s understand the difference between WPC and SPC hybrid flooring to make an informed buying choice.
WPC [Wood Plastic/Polymer Composite] flooring
Its core is formulated from –
- Limestone powder
- Gluing agent polyvinyl chloride
- Wood-like materials
- UV stabilizer
- Foaming agent
The core is covered with foam or rubber underlay. The top has a 1.5mm thin vinyl layer, PVC wear coating, and vinyl picture film. The WPC flooring was used in construction and entered on Australian market 8 years ago. WPC is also called an aerated core hybrid flooring because a foaming agent is added to the product base before extrusion. A honeycomb pattern is created inside the core. The product is light in weight because of air and the basic material has less density.
SPC [Stone Plastic/Polymer Composite] flooring
Its core is formulated from –
- 80% limestone powder
- UV stabilizer
- Gluing agent, PVC
Foam or rubber underlay covers the back. The PVC coating and vinyl image layer are directly attached to the top. Unlike WPC, there is no vinyl layer between core and image film.
The SPC flooring appeared in the market 3 to 4 years after WPC. It gained popularity instantly because of its reliability, quality, and durability. Its composition is more solid and stable. It has more endurance against temperature changes because it lacks WPCs foaming agents and wood-like material. SPC is also popular as solid core hybrid flooring. No foaming agent means no-air in its core. The block is full, so its density is great.
How to identify the difference between WPC and SPC?
Ask the flooring installation contractor about how to differentiate between aerated [WPC] and solid [SPC] flooring. First-time buyers cannot identify the difference but the professionals detect it with ease.
- Run your fingers across the product’s exposed edge. If the feel is smooth then it is SPC or sold core. On the other hand, if you get the feel of a sand-paper then it is WPC or aerated core material.
- Pick the product – An aerated core is much lighter than a solid core hybrid of the same dimension.
- WPC hybrid flooring is labor-intensive, while SPC hybrid flooring is development intensive.
- SPC flooring with 6mm thickness can outperform WPC flooring at 8mm in terms of durability and strength.
- In commercial applications, SPC hybrid flooring [thickness 8mm] is recommended because it is a floating floor not connected to a subfloor. It can move when high traffic moves across.
- Solid core hybrid flooring is a winner in joint strengths because the core has no air or honeycombs.
Hire a Gold Coast floor sanding company to deal with your hybrid flooring installation! Both aerated and solid core hybrid products offer great visuals and are resistant to water and scratches!
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