Odd Peak

Never Miss The Opportunity To Success By Learning English!

Have you noticed how many opportunities can pass because one could not speak, write or understand English? With the abundance of methods to learn English in Singapore, do we have to apologise a thousand times for not knowing the language?

English & Today’s World

Learning English has become essential for your career and boosting your confidence in your social life. Success in today’s competitive world lies in learning English whether you believe it or not. A language is a tool for communication, and English is considered a universal language for communicating and interacting with people. If you aspire to make a difference to yourself and deliver a contribution to your work or a community, you need to learn English first.

In fact, the motto for today’s success is to discover and learn the English language. With every English language school in Singapore, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to uncover what the language has to offer. It’s no secret why schools are also teaching the English subject and curriculum for younger kids.

How the World Uses the English Language – A Reason to Learn English


While English may not be the native language for every person on the planet, most consider English as their second or third language. As the world is turning smaller because of the power of the Internet and technology – the mode of communication becomes more sophisticated as it branches more avenues – new ways to connect more people. The world today is using the language for serving customers, making appeals to the market, creating entertainment, expressing oneself in an artistic manner, and delivering useful information to the public such as news. Therefore, learning or taking an English course in Singapore has become a necessity for everyone. You’ll find it difficult or near impossible in the workplace, politics, and social settings.

In this scenario, why would you choose to feel left out without any means to connect and interact? Wouldn’t it be much better if you could learn English and feel confident about expressing yourself?

Being globally competitive is about abiding by the standard of today’s world to respond against industry challenges.  Being competitive globally also means acting to gain respect in your expertise field. If you’re marketing yourself out in the open for a competitive industry, it’s near impossible to accomplish this without learning more about the English language. Hence, we can assume that joining an English course in Singapore is a worthy investment to follow at a young age.

Additionally, the good news is, whether you’re an adult, starting your career or business or able to understand basic English, it’s not too late to uncover and learn English. Position yourself on competitive ground with English!

The Roads for Learning English


It’s normal to feel lost in the maze and labyrinth-like learning when understanding the language. There has never been a better time to learn languages than today!

– Enrolling on a language centre or an English course

With an English tuition centre in Singapore, you could take your learning to another level with a helpful course. Professional instructors/teachers are there to guide you systematically and improve your learning based on your condition and capacity to understand. It’s the most straightforward way to learn and even master the language. So, why not take your chances?

– Read English literature or helpful materials for starters.

Reading gives you a huge nudge to improve your reading comprehension and speaking skills. It’s also a beginner-friendly way to discover new languages. Reading may not be everyone’s cup of tea when learning English, but it undeniably can be your chosen avenue if you like taking everything at your own pace practising at home. The more you read English texts, the more confident you will be with the language!

– Joining or participating in an online English discussion or chat

Regardless of whether you’re doing it the old way or joining a Facebook or Twitter discussion, or just chatting with someone, communicating what you learn in English will benefit your learning progress. Whether it’s about cooking, travelling, a film, or about arts and literature, allow yourself to listen and discuss your passion. Even when you’re not attending an English language school in Singapore, participating in discussions with like-minded people will maintain and refresh what you learned. Apart from that, it will also help boost your confidence when talking to people!

– Watching videos or listening to podcasts

The benefits of podcasts revolve around speaking and listening skills. You can slow down or have/write a transcription while writing if you don’t understand something. It’s almost similar to listening to an instructor when you’re enrolled in an English course in Singapore. Recording yourself reading the transcript and writing a reflection can help a mile in correcting your frequent pronunciation mistakes and learning more vocabulary along the way.

Is There Any ‘Best’ Way to Learn English?


The truth is, it might be a difficult question to answer. There’s no universal easiest and best way to learn and master the English language. While each of us has different preferred methods, objects and desired environment for learning, each English language school in Singapore can appeal to your preferred way of learning. Joining institutions and schools exposes you to various techniques and methods to hone your craft and enhance your learning experience. 

However, some may choose to study on their own and take their time at their own pace. With the availability of pre-recorded online lessons, English reading materials online, magazines and other publication mediums, news, podcasts, etc., you’ll have the freedom to choose what approach will work for you.

Regardless of what you choose, whether joining an English language school in Singapore or learning on your own, having a goal, plan, and direction in mind are the tried and true methods for discovering the best pathway for learning English.

If you’re looking for a local English tuition centre in Singapore, Writers Studio aims to help primary and secondary levels for learning the English language at a young age!

Equip your child with the right tool for their future. Visit Writers Studio for more details!