Odd Peak

The Success for the Best Fertility Choices

You want to have a baby but the cycles pass and the good news is slow to come. The expert gynecologist answers your questions about fertility.

When should I have sex to expect to be pregnant?

The probable time of ovulation occurs fourteen or fifteen days before the date of the first day of the next period. We therefore only know a posteriori if we had intercourse at the right time. The fact that you are not pregnant after two months is nothing extraordinary. On average, couples wait seven months (except those who really have problems). If you want to know the exact date of your ovulation, know that there are tests sold in pharmacies, the results of which are fairly reliable. Make a visit to https://www.balancefertility.co.uk and make things perfect.

After an implant, do you get pregnant quickly?

It is extremely difficult if not impossible to know if you have ovulated while wearing a contraceptive implant. It is only when it is removed that you can possibly take your temperature curve in order to note a possible upward shift in the middle of the cycle, or even to do an ovulation test sold in pharmacies or hormonal assays, prescribed by your doctor.

Can I be pregnant despite having a fibroid?

Polyps are benign growths of the lining inside the uterine cavity that sometimes act like an IUD. Likewise, fibroids, depending on their location and size, can have a negative effect on fertility. For these reasons, it is important to discuss your desire for a baby with your gynecologist.

How to know your ovulation period with irregular cycles?

The ovulation period is generally between 13 and 15 days before the first day of your next period. So, for a 35-day cycle, between the twentieth and the twenty-second day of the cycle, the first being the one when the periods occur. Some women may also notice what is called ovulatory mucus. These are secretions from the cervix, continuous and translucent, contemporaneous with ovulation. There are also do-it-yourself ovulation tests in pharmacies.

What to think of ovulation stimulators?

This medication (most commonly clomiphene) stimulates the pituitary gland to send vigorous functioning orders to the ovaries. The goal: to strongly solicit ovulation. It is a particularly well tolerated drug and can, in many cases, be a good strategy for obtaining ovulations, therefore successfully expecting a baby. The risk of multiple pregnancy (because there is then more than one egg ovulated in the same month) is however not negligible.

I would like to have a child after breast cancer

In certain well-selected cases (age of cancer, stage, lymph nodes affected or not, etc.), pregnancy after breast cancer does not seem to present any particular risk. However, if you are over 40 and even if you have never had chemotherapy, pregnancy is still hypothetical. In fact, the ovum stock is generally almost depleted at this age. On the other hand, an egg donation could possibly make it possible to bear a child.

How to have a baby while being sterile or infertile?

In the event of infertility or sterility, couples can resort to medically assisted procreation techniques. There are three main techniques of Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA):

  • Uterine artificial insemination (AI),
  • In vivo fertilization with embryo transfer (IVF),
  • In-vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ISCI).
  • Female sterility: causes, symptoms, treatments