All businesses, big or small, need to have a strong online presence today. It means having a website that resonates with the brand, an active social media presence, and efficient SEO optimization among a host of other things. This article is about websites and choosing the perfect hosting service to ensure optimum performance of the site.
Site owners are spoilt for choices when it comes to web hosting in India. From the pocket-friendly Shared Hosting services to Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Server Hosting, the list is long. Since the website resides on a web server, the performance of the server determines its performance. Hence, it is essential to choose a hosting plan after carefully considering all options. Today, we are going to talk about Cloud Hosting services – also touted as the future of web hosting – and look at the reasons that can tell you that your site needs to migrate to a Cloud Hosting plan.
Benefits of Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting services offer a range of benefits to websites including:
- Quick and easy deployment of the website
- Better traffic management with instant resource scalability
- Fully-managed services where the web host takes care of the technical tasks, maintenance, and processes
- Integrated caching solutions and content delivery network to ensure that sites load in no time
- Redundant storage solutions like Ceph offering high data redundancies and advanced protection against data loss
When should you move to Cloud Hosting?
You have already launched your website and are using a hosting service based on your assessment of your site’s requirements. Here are some indicators that point towards moving to a Cloud Hosting service:
- It does not meet your current scalability requirements: While the hosting service has managed your site traffic efficiently, a recent increase in the number of visitors has you scrambling to fulfill your site’s resource requirements. Every hosting type has certain limitations of resources. Hence, if your current hosting service is unable to meet your need due to the nature of hosting, then you might want to consider moving to Cloud Hosting. Cloud Hosting services are known for their one-click resource scalability.
- Downtimes have increased – The architecture of each hosting type also impacts the uptime of the server. While most providers try to ensure maximum uptime regardless of the hosting type, if you are finding yourself stuck with a service that is regularly down, then you might want to consider changing the service or the provider. Cloud Hosting is one of the most reliable hosting services since there is no single point of failure. Also, the automatic failover feature ensures that downtimes are minimal.
- You want a cost-efficient upgrade – Most site owners upgrading from a Shared Hosting service look for a better hosting type that is economical. With Cloud Hosting, resource scalability ensures that you start with an affordable plan and scale up only when the needs demand. Hence, it is one of the most cost-efficient hosting services around.
Summing Up
Before you approach a Cloud Hosting provider, determine your site’s specific requirements and research thoroughly, and ensure that the features and benefits offered by Cloud Hosting are what it needs. Research the provider thoroughly, and make an informed decision. Good Luck!