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Your Ultimate Guide To Purchasing And Storing Condiments And Sauces | Condiments Supplier Singapore


Condiments and sauces are huge parts of Asian cuisine. Your kitchen is bare and barren if you don’t have at least a dozen sauces, condiments, and spices on your shelf. Restaurants usually buy large batches of condiments for weeklong or month-long use from a condiments supplier in Singapore. Many households collect various sauces and spices as kitchen aesthetics, too.

Sometimes, these sauces go to waste for several reasons. Firstly, they rarely use the condiments and sauces and leave them on the shelf to expire.

Secondly, they don’t store the sauces and condiments properly.

This article will guide you to the proper way of purchasing and storing your beloved condiments, such as Chu Hou paste in Singapore, to minimise food waste.

5 Things To Consider When Purchasing And Stocking Your Kitchen With Condiments

1. Buy depending on your usage.

Never buy a large jar of Chu Hou paste in Singapore if you rarely use it. Households should buy condiments and sauces in small quantities to avoid spoilage before consuming them.

Small quantities also ensure that you get the freshest and newest condiments batch.

Restaurant owners must identify the sauces and condiments they frequently use. They can buy large quantities of dips and spices they consume most from a condiments supplier in Singapore, while small batches for those hardly used sauces.

2. Choose a grocery store that replaces inventory quickly.

If you want fresh sauce and condiments for your home cooking, it is better to buy from stores that run out of condiments supplies pretty quickly.

When the store runs out of supply, they contact their condiments supplier in Singapore to refill their racks with fresh and newly-made sauces. Stores that rarely switch out their inventory usually sell a few months-old sauce and spices.

3. Look for speciality shops.

Some shops sell special sauces, such as Chu Hou paste and ginger candy in Singapore. Most of these speciality shops have their own recipe and concoction of sauces that are very far different, in terms of taste and quality, from factory-made or mass-produced sauces.

It is also better to support your local sauce makers.

4. Taste test.

If you are unsure of your condiment choice, try buying small packs, bottles, or jars first and give it a try at home.

You can incorporate them into your cooking and judge whether it passes your taste test.

5. Organic vs Inorganic

There are lots of organic sauces in the market as well as condiments rich in preservatives and other additives. It all depends on your preference, health-wise.

Once you consider these factors when looking for a Chu Hou paste in Singapore,it is time to check the safety of the condiments.


How To Ensure The Safety Of Condiments Before Buying

Now that you have determined which condiments to buy, it is time to check the safety of the condiments. Here are the things you need to inspect before purchasing your chosen sauce:

1. Check the manufacturer

A reputable manufacturer and condiments supplier in Singapore prepares, makes, and packs their products according to the health standard implemented by the government.

Rogue manufacturers usually practise unclean and unsterilised methods of preparing the products.

When buying from a local producer or a speciality store, check their manufacturing process.

2. Check the expiration date.

Like food, condiments, such as Chu Hou paste in Singapore, also expire. As much as possible, choose a sauce that is several months away from its expiration date, especially those you rarely use.

Avoid sauces that are a month or a few weeks away from their best before date.

3. Check the packaging

Do the sauces use plastic packaging? Are they canned? Do they use airtight jars? Always check the packaging when buying condiments.

Ensure no visible dents, tears, or cracks in the packaging. Avoid bottled condiments with broken seals.

Never trust condiments with illegible or tampered labels. Only buy spices from a reliable condiments supplier in Singapore.

4. Check the look and the smell.

It is much better and easier if you are familiar with the look and smell of your sauce. Firstly, compare the colour of your sauce. Is it paler than usual? Perhaps, too dark. Usually, brightly coloured sauces are considered fresh ones.

Secondly, check the smell. The stronger the smell of the sauce, the fresher it is. A weak smell means the sauce is too old.

Did your Chu Hou paste in Singapore pass the safety checks? If yes, then let’s proceed to safe storage of your condiments.



Your Quick Guide To Condiments Storage

Which condiments should be refrigerated, and which is okay at room temperature? It is hard to learn the proper storage of sauces, especially when your condiments supplier in Singapore did not provide storage instructions. This article will help you identify which one is for the fridge and the pantry.


●    Dairy

Refrigerate condiments with dairy or milk as their primary ingredients, such as cheese spread and butter, after opening.

●    Eggs

Condiments with eggs as the main ingredient, such as mayonnaise, must be refrigerated.

●    Sauces with herbs and vegetables

Sauces with fresh herbs and vegetables, such as pesto sauce, horseradish, and chutneys, should be in your fridge. It is safer to ask your condiments supplier in Singapore for storage instructions.


●    Acidic sauces

Acidic condiments, such as ketchup, honey, and vinegar-based salad dressings, are safe in the pantry.

●    Sweet sauces

Sweet and sugar-based condiments, such as jam and barbecue sauce rich in sugar and vinegar, are okay in the pantry.

●    Salty sauces

Salty sauces, such as soy sauce, fish sauce, and fermented shrimp paste, are okay in the pantry. It is safer to ask your condiments supplier in Singapore for storage instructions.


The knowledge about condiments, their buying guide, safety check, and storage instructions will benefit anyone, whether you are a cook at home or in a restaurant.

Using this guide, you can safely and smartly use your favourite condiments, such as Chu Hou paste in Singapore, for everyday cooking!


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